
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assault weapons gun ban Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assault weapons gun ban - Essay Example The reason for which Jimmy Carter, along with George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, supported this law has to be analyzed. This law got passed in 1994 and expired in ten years. When the law was approaching expiration date various police organizations, including police chiefs and sheriffs, have demanded for its renewal. They called on the President of that time to renew and strengthen the law. But with a sparkle from the White House, protestors demand prevailed and the ban was terminated. Carter personally owned a lot of different types of gun which includes â€Å"two handguns, four shotguns and three rifles, two with scopes† (Carter, n.p.). He and his other friends cherished the ownership of the guns. He used these guns for the purpose of hunting in his family woods and field and occasionally he also took his family along with his friends for hunting. He and his friend used to cultivate innovate ideas to do various things on the gun. He even used to display many of them in the whit e house. According to Carter, in case of hunting if one maintains safety there should not be any problem. But neither Carter nor his friends wanted to posses such an assault gun. Since they believed that the assault guns were used to either kill policemen or any other civilian. He believed that White House should not have given up trying to reinforce the law, even if there were lots of political difficulties. A lot of emotions were also attached with the ban of the Assault Weapons. The N.R.A. leaders were highly influenced by the firearm industry and they started believing that the firearms were being snatched away from them and the house owners were deprived of ways to protect themselves. He argues that the fire industry and other governing authorities should reassess the safety and accountability and should enact the ban again. And if the politicians fear the disapproval of N.R.A during election then it was not at all a solid reason (Carter, n.p.). The view of Wheeler should also be assessed in order to have clear understanding of the law. Wheeler has pointed some predictions by studying the psychology of the criminals. He argues that assault guns were not used by the criminals because they were difficult to hide. The data of National Institute of Justice says that â€Å"Assault Weapons were used in fewer than eight percent of gun crimes even before the ban† (Wheeler, n.p.). Moreover the criminals were more inclined to use high quality hand gun. â€Å"Handgun Epidemic Lowering Plan (HELP Network)† (Wheeler, n.p.) says that the end of the ban over the assault gun would lead to a wave of increase crime. And that the root of all evils was the gun. But this belief had no basis. As the panic of the assault gun faded, the activists try to discover a new type of gun. â€Å"California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s desk lies a bill to ban .50 caliber rifles† (Wheeler, n.p.). That has resulted into the myth that the terrorists used .50-calib er rifles and assault rifles were used by the criminals. But the reports actually suggested that .50 caliber was used by the criminals also. Wheeler also argues that Assault Weapon was deliberately misrepresented by the anti gunners as machine guns. In the year 2003 CNN showed a video of machine gun and

Monday, October 28, 2019

Josef Mengele †the Angel of Death Essay Example for Free

Josef Mengele – the Angel of Death Essay After the war many Nazi doctors were tried at Nuremberg, for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Yet the man who became the most infamous Nazi doctor — although Hitler himself may never heard of him — fled to South America and escaped prosecution. He was never caught and convicted, though he lived for decades thereafter. Mengele, called Uncle by the countless children he subjected to gruesome experiments and unthinkable torture, and known as the Angel of Death in the concentration camps, was responsible for the torture and deaths of 400,000 people, and the torment of thousands more. The most important thing to note about Mengele is that he was not an isolated example of an evil maniac gone berserk. He was simply part of a system and a much wider network of Nazi doctors. His work may have been different from those of the other doctors only in quantitative terms not qualitative terms. Today, the Auschwitz experiments of Josef Mengele remain the most egregious example of the collaboration of unscrupulous researchers with equally unscrupulous senior scientists and prestigious scientific institutions – which is a phenomenon that could be happening on a wide scale in our own times, especially in matters of drug trials of giant pharmaceutical corporations. In 1947, the world learned of what is now the most infamous scandal in medical research: medical experiments conducted by Nazi doctors. Nazi doctors performed a variety of extremely disturbing experiments on prisoners in concentration camps. Some experiments were designed to further the war effort. For example, to study gunshot wounds, Nazi doctors shot inmates and examined their wounds. To study diseases such as typhus, Nazi doctors intentionally infected inmates with disease. To study human capacity to withstand exposure to cold, Nazi doctors stripped inmates and exposed them to icy water or blizzards. However, the majority of experiments had less to do with winning the war and more to do with promoting or substantiating Nazi ideology. Doctors were interested in sterilizing undesirables, curing homosexuality, and establishing anthropological differences between races. To find an effective means of mass sterilization, Nazi doctors injected hundreds of women with a caustic substance in the hope of obstructing their fallopian tubes, and inflicted severe burns and infections on both male and female prisoners by exposing them to high doses of radiation. To cure homosexuality, Nazi doctors injected hormones into inmates suspected of being homosexual. To catalog physical differences in race, Nazi doctors killed a number of prisoners, stripped the flesh off their bones, and saved their skeletons for an anthropological museum. Dr. Mengele is among the best known SS physicians at Auschwitz, and was responsible along with other SS doctors for selections and medical experiments that used prisoners as guinea pigs. Mengele could never have thought of himself as a monstrous psychopath, though, but only as a biomedical scientist participating in a broad program of racial research. During the Holocaust Mengele and many other Nazi physicians used thousands of camp inmates, especially those with disabilities and deformities as subjects for their biomedical racial research. Born in the Swabian section of Bavaria in 1911 into an upper middle-class family, Mengele eventually earned two doctorates. The first doctorate was in physical anthropology at Munich under Theodor Mollison in 1935 and the second was in medicine at Frankfurt under Otmar Freiherr von Verschuer in 1938. He received his license to practice medicine in late 1937 but apparently did not pursue certification in a specialty. Instead, he opted for research. As a student of anthropology, he had studied under the leading exponents of the life unworthy of living† theory and it greatly influenced his thinking and behavior. The notion that some lives were not worth living was rapidly becoming academically acceptable. His two dissertation supervisors were eugenicists, and his dissertations in anthropology at Munich and in medicine at Frankfurt both dealt with research in racial hygiene. After finishing his second doctorate, Mengele continued his research in Verschuers Frankfurt Institute for Hereditary Biology and Race Hygiene. As principal investigator, Verschuer supervised the research of numerous assistants under a variety of DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft German Research Foundation) research grants. Verschuer’s 1938 report to the DFG on this sponsored research, focusing on the genetic study of twins and families, lists the work and publications of his assistant Mengele. Although Mengele did not join the Nazi party until 1938, he belonged to the brown-shirt storm troopers, the SA, during 1933-34 and in 1938 joined the SS. As an SS member, he was drafted during the war into the Waffen SS instead of the Wehrmacht, advancing by 1943 to the rank of captain (Hauptstrumfuhrer). He served as an SS physician to the Eastern front until he was wounded and therefore posted to the concentration camp death head units in the rear. He functioned during 1943-1944 as one of the SS physicians at the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp. In his new post, Mengele performed the usual duties of a concentration camp SS physician as well as the special Auschwitz assignment of directing selections for the gas chamber. In addition, Auschwitz opened up unlimited opportunities for the ambitious researcher. Research subjects were available in large numbers, and the restraints of medical ethics did not apply. Further, Mengele could compel highly skilled inmate physicians to design and conduct research, perform tests and autopsies, and produce research papers, without the need to share credit with them. It is therefore not surprising that Mengele used Auschwitz as a research laboratory. Otmar von Verschuer, Mengeles mentor who was himself a protege of Eugen Fischer, had left Frankfurt for Berlin in 1942 to succeed Fischer as director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology. Mengele had worked at the institute during SS assignments to Berlin and thus continued to contribute to Verschuers research projects (Cefrey 62). When Mengele went to Auschwitz, Vershuer realized the potential of this posting, and as principal investigator, he carried Mengeles Auschwitz experiments on his DFG grants. Therefore, Mengele’s experiments — that often necessitated the killing of children, thousands of them (especially twins) — were part of the official program and in pursuing his shockingly macabre â€Å"research† he was only following the broad lines of Nazi research agenda. Driven by the desire to advance his medical career by scientific publications, Dr Mengele began to conduct all kinds of utterly atrocious medical experiments on living Jews, children, twins, disabled people, and all those who fell into the Nazi category of ‘Untermenschen’ – all of whom he took from the barracks of the concentration camp at Auschwitz, or ‘selected’ right away on their arrival, and brought to his hospital block. Mengele used the pretext of medical treatment to kill thousands upon thousands of prisoners, personally administering the horrific torture procedures, for example as by injecting them with phenol, petrol, chloroform, or by ordering SS medical orderlies to do so. From the moment of his arrival at Auschwitz, Mengele joined the other SS officers and SS doctors, among them Dr Clauberg and Dr Kremer, in the selection of Jews reaching the Auschwitz railway junction from all over Europe. With a movement of the hand or the wave of a stick, he indicated as unfit for work, and thus destined for immediate death in the gas chambers, all children, old people, sick, crippled and weak Jews, and all pregnant women. Between May 1943 and November 1944 Mengele conducted, also along with Dr. Heinz Thilo, scores of such selections. Mengele was especially on the lookout for twins and other promising research subjects (Lifton 165). He also took an equally decisive part in several selections in the camp infirmary, pointing out for death by shooting, injection or gassing those Jews whose strength had been sapped by starvation, force labor, untreated illness or ill-treatment by the guards. On May 26, 1943, only two days after he arrived at Aushwitz, Mengele committed his first mass murder. There was a typhoid epidemic in the barracks of over a thousand Gypsies who had been brought to the camp two months earlier. For Dr Mengele, typhoid was not an illness to be cured, but one to be eliminated; that day, all the Gypsies were dragged out of their barracks and driven to the gas chambers. Against their names in the camp register were put the letters SB Sondebehandlung, Special Treatment. This was just a sign of much worse things to come. In perpetrating a host of such ghastly medical and scientific experiments, Mengele was of course being an independent member of a larger cohort of wanton butchers. These Nazi doctors most brazenly forsook their Hippocratic Oath and armed themselves with scalpels, forceps, and needles in inflicting immeasurable pain and torture on hundreds of thousands of innocent people, a significant portion of them being children. Mengele regularly mailed the results of his research on twins to the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. There scientists analyzed the samples of blood obtained before death and the organs obtained after dissection. It was a systematic, organized and purposeful enterprise. Though few of these doctors collected scientifically valid data and many of the experiments were expressions of pure pathological sadism, the Nazi doctors justified their acts of torture and inhumanity as attempts to improve German medicine and advance science. Mengele himself, through his research on twins, dreamed of being able to genetically engineer a flawless race. The ultimate goal was to produce an ideal race of Aryan men and women endowed with only the finest genetic traits, who would rapidly multiply and rule the world. (Lagnado, Dekel 61) Of the approximately 350 doctors who are estimated to have committed medical crimes, only about 20 doctors and 3 assistants were brought to justice in Nuremberg (Spitz 50). Some others were tried, and sentenced to in American military trials at Dachau. Still many doctors escaped, including one who would become the most infamous of them all, Dr. Josef Mengele. Human experimentation neither arose with the Nazis, nor ended with them; however, the history of human experimentation in the West is usually divided into two eras: before the Nazis and after. Mengele is by no means such a grotesque aberration as he may appear to be at first. Nazi doctors perpetrated some of the most horrendous actions during the Third Reich, but the shadows of Auschwitz and Nuremberg are long. Though Mengele escaped scot-free, we at least know about his evil deeds; there may be many others of his ilk alive today and even working in collaboration with reputed organizations whose work we may never even come to know. Works Cited Cefrey, Holly. â€Å"Doctor Josef Mengele: The Angel of Death† New York : The Rosen Publishing Group, 2001 Lagnado, Lucette Matalon; Dekel, Sheila Cohn. â€Å"Children of the Flames: Dr. Josef Mengele and the Untold Story of the Twins of Auschwitz. † New York : Penguin Books, 1992 Lifton, Robert Jay. â€Å"The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide† New

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sight in Cathedral Essays -- Literary Review

Vision is something many people take for granted every day. Society only deals with the matter of being blind if they are the less fortunate ones. According to the Braille Institute, "every seven minutes a person in the United States loses their sight, often as part of the aging process" (1). Only two percent of legally blind people use a guide dog and thirty-five percent use a white cane. Blindness can be caused from various different types of things including (in order) age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and age-related cataracts. (Braille 1). However being blind does not mean a person is in total darkness. Some people can see lights and the shapes of objects, but the most import thing is for family and friends to provide hope and encouragement. The last thing a person who has lost their sight wants is to lose their family and support, which will led to loneliness. Likewise, in the short story "Cathedral," by Raymond Carver's, blindness is the key elem ent in the story and shows in detail how the characters manage it. The theme Carver conveys in the short story is being able to see without sight and is revealed through the characters, tone and plot of the story. The theme in the story of being able to see without sight is revealed through the characters in the story "Cathedral." The husband is very judgmental, self-centered and shows a lack of knowledge about blind people. This is obvious when he states, "My idea of blindness came from the movies. In the movies, the blind move slowly and never laugh (1152). The husband is so quick to judge and thinks he already knows everything about blind people and how they are, so he makes it clear he was not looking forward to the blind man being in his house ... ...d the blind experience and it was like Robert was no longer the blind person in the house (Caldwell 3). As a result, this shows him the way to gaining a better understanding of his own self worth and heal from pass hurts by experiencing the transcendent of nature of life. Works Cited Akers, Tim. "Overview: 'Cathedral'." Short Stories for Students 6 (1999): 1-2. Literature Resource Center. Web. 16 Nov. 2010. Braille Institute: Empowering visually impaired people to live fulfilling lives. Braille Institute. 2010. Web. 22 Nov. 2010 Caldwell, Tracey. "Raymond Carver's 'Cathedral'." Literary Contents in Short Stories (2006): 1-8. Literary Reference Center. Web. 5 Nov. 2010 Carver, Raymond. Cathedral. Exploring Literature: Writing and Arguing About Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and the Essay. Ed. Frank Madden. 4th ed. New York: Pearson Longman, 2009. 1151-61. Print

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Piggy Essay

Piggy was the most technical and constructional boy in his group. Piggy represented technology, which must be built upon the basis of order of civilization. Under Ralph’s unstable rule, Piggy’s words were not listened. Because things that directly affect their daily life, such as safe food and concern of monster, were more important than hopes to be rescued, people overlooked Piggy’s opinions. Under barbarian society, technology was never used for its adequate purpose. When power takes over order, Piggy was abused frequently, for he was not an important source of dictator’s interest. Piggy frequently argued about Jack’s decisions, and, someday, Piggy would harm dictator’s position, with his practical methods to be rescued. First of all, Piggy had many useful items and smart idea to use them wisely for everyone. His glasses were the only method to make signal to outside of the island. He guaranteed warm, safe night and food as well. While superstitious rumor were merged from each boy, Piggy suggested another signal on the beach. By his death, he remembered his initial goal, to be rescued, while other boys were fallen in the lawless human nature. His actions were not only for himself, but also for everyone. As being a vestige of lost human civilization, he tried to remind boys the hope of being rescued, and to be organized. However, Piggy’s opinions were not convincing to uncivilized boys, who wanted plans that can make improvements in their lives immediately, but not a preparation that would gradually lead them toward better outcome. Second of all, Piggy had no leadership, because he was physically not appealing, and was not clever enough to send his messages explicitly. He had no interest in playing with other boys, so he did not have any friend, who could support his opinion. He spoke out his opinion regardless of others’ when something does not work in his mind. Most of conversations Piggy had were scolding others, like adult disciplining children. Having anything that would return other boy’s minds, Piggy became an irritant to other boys. Later, he was disregarded by other boys. Therefore, as he was disregarded, his saying also had only a little power. If only he showed his politeness and diligence like an adult, boys would have relied on Piggy. Last of all, Piggy developed plots by making a new topic in the group. He was a strong supporter of Ralph; accordingly he deepened the conflict between barbarism and civilization. He suggested practical and reasonable opinions that deserve to be praised in the civilized society. However, he was deserted and ignored by barbarism. In the correspondence with the theme, Piggy amplified the bad aspect of barbarism. Every boy was adapted in civilized world, but possessed savage instinct as well. Piggy did the job of the symbol of vestige of civilization after barbarism overwhelmed civilization. Golding advanced the theme with Piggy, by showing reckless behavior of boys, pretending to be civilized, but illustrating barbarism. Piggy was outstanding in thinking, but poor in eloquence. He deserves to be praised that Piggy did not care of other’s ungrounded blames, so he suggested his proper opinions. However, it is definitely wrong that Piggy didn’t consider other’s mind. However, Golding used Piggy in a sense that how people these days in a civilization may not care for others’ feelings and be selfish, but smart and effective in other way.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Discuss the interplay between conflict

International trade is one of the most critical and complex process as it involves not only more than two parties to the contract but also different institutions including governments. It is because of this reason that it is often argued that the laws regulating the international trade should be such that they can easily facilitate the trade between different countries while keeping intact the different indigenous laws of the respective countries.In its essence, international trade is the exchange of goods, services and capital between the countries across the international borders. Due to its unique characteristic of involving cross border trade, it is also subject to different laws, regulations and rules. Uniform Commercial Law is the law which has been promulgated in order to harmonize the laws of sales between different countries. Such kind of uniform commercial laws include the UCP rules which govern the international trade and also the exchange of the financial services between the financial institutions.Since, one of the most important characteristics of the international trade is that it involves the interaction of financial institutions also besides between the seller and the buyer therefore the uniform commercial laws such as UCP govern the international trade. However, on the other hand, there are other international laws which area also governed the international trade by different countries according to their own requirements.The protectionist policies and laws and regulations adopted by the different governments of the organization create a deliberate conflict between the uniformed commercial law and the other international laws and regulations thus creating a conflicting situation for the different players working in the international environment. This essay will undertake to analyze and understand the interplay between conflict of laws/international law rules and uniform commercial law in the field of regulation of international trade.Internatio nal Law The international liberalization of the trade as well as growing globalization has given rise to the need of having laws flexible enough to accommodate the needs of the different players in international trade. (Chirwa,2005). Many researchers also attempted to remove these regulatory anomalies by offering a new approach to resolve the conflict of laws in international trade.One such approach outlines the concept of constitutional uncertainty in international trade and present different models of international transactions in the wakes of different legal frameworks present. (Schmidtchen, Kirstein, Neunzig, 2004). These approaches are mostly suggesting the economic solution to the problem of the conflict between the international law and the uniform laws and suggest a transactional mode of international trade and attempt to bring down the law to accommodate such models into them so that this conflict can be overtaken.The increased globalization as well as the role of large mul tinationals in circumventing the rules and regulations in their favor, in countries where they have larger chances of profitability, indicates the eroding powers of state to ensure the compliance with the international laws besides ensuring that the local laws support the international regulations so that the international trade can swiftly take place. When we discuss about the international law and the conflicts between the different regulations, it always come down to analyze and trace the patterns of those conflicts in different kinds of transactions taking place internationally.One such example is that of the credit sales where UCP rules may suggest different approaches to governing the financial aspects of the transaction however, the existing rules and regulations such as restrictions on the foreign exchange repatriation, forward booking of foreign currencies due to pressures on the domestic currency may effectively create a situation where the uniformed commercial laws and th e private laws can come into direct conflict. (Albert, Wade & Instituut,1983).Another great example can be that of the WTO and the other related laws. WTO specifically advocates the removal of the different trade restrictions such as quotas on the international trade taking place between member countries however there are other deliberate attempts by different countries to discriminate against other member countries by promulgating rules and regulations which restricts even the capability of WTO to remove the conflict of laws and regulations between the countries.It is also often argued that the international trade has more become now a political issue and despite the trade liberalization, politicizing of the international trade have created a deliberate attempt to raise a conflict between different international/private laws and the uniform commercial laws. (Joerges, 2007). Such politicization of the process has not only created a deliberate drift between the laws but it also creat ed a permanent source of conflict between the international institutions also.Conclusion It is also important to mention that the interplay of the different uniform as well as the international/ public laws, from a transactional perspective, can be removed because the laws and regulations will directed at creating a synergy between the different laws to assist the smooth operation of international trade. A deviation from the transactional mode of international trade therefore may create a direct conflict between the international and uniform commercial laws.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Is Cyber Espionage a Threat Essay Sample

Is Cyber Espionage a Threat Essay Sample Cyber Espionage: An Escalating Threat Essay Sample Cyber Espionage: An Escalating Threat Essay Sample With the development of computer technologies, cyber espionage has become a vital issue. The Internet and various computer tools make the search for information quick and easy. However, accessibility of information leads to inevitable information leaks. This facilitates cyber spying. Cyber espionage is a form of cyber attack. The primary research question that this paper attempts to answer is: is cyber espionage a genuine threat? Is Cyber Espionage a Genuine Threat? The paper aims at reviewing the existing scholarly sources that deal with the issue of cyber espionage. This is a necessary step to make in order to determine whether it is an actual threat and find a way to reduce or overcome it. The basic hypothesis of this research is that cyber espionage is a genuine and escalating threat, and its implications have the ability to change the balance of global power. The independent variables important for the research are the number and nature of cyber spying cases. Dependent variables include the number and origin of sources that are discussed. The choice of literature regarding the problem of cyber espionage is rather wide. For example, the book Cyber Spying by Ted Fair describes how average computer users can become cyber spies. The author discusses the reasons that cause ordinary people to start cyber spying. He also attempts to analyze psychological motivation of cyber spies and formulate a code of ethics that cyber spies seem to follow. In the researcher’s opinion, social networks are the main tool of cyber espionage since they facilitate leaks of compromising information. This is why the author pays special attention to privacy concerns. Numerous articles are dedicated to cyber espionage used by the governmental structures and increased spying-related crime. The book Cybercrime and Espionage: the Analysis of Subversive Multi-Vector Threats by Will Gragido and John Pirc discusses the problem of cyber spying expansion. The author focuses on psychological analysis of cyber spies’ activities. Cyber spying is considered a threat to the next generation. Acceleration of IT technologies increases the risk of sudden and advanced military attacks and political conflicts. Minor crimes related to cyber spying such as blackmailing and scamming have become a kind of business. Sometimes, cyber spying infringes on human rights. For example, the CIA develops new ways of spying through phones. This infringes on privacy of the citizens. While on the Internet, users usually voluntarily provide personal information, in phone conversations people normally do not expect to be overheard. The expansion of cyber spying has changed the conventional attitudes of intelligence services and led to significant restructuring of security agencies in many countries, including America and Russia. Much research has been done on the issue of preventing cyber spying and improving Internet security policies. For example, the article â€Å"The Anatomy of Cyber Espionage by Chinese Hackers† by Aditya Sood and Richard Enbody reveals the vulnerable side of the Internet. Most cyber espionage is done through hacking, and since 2000, the number of hacker attacks has been growing every year. The authors describe hacking techniques and discusse various protective measures, starting from development of online military defense systems and ending with personal privacy options for ordinary users. Further research needs to be done on the issue of military usage of cyber espionage. Articles that deal with military strategy and theory of espionage can be useful for this. This research plan includes analyzing several security-related books, including The Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Technology by Cliff Stoll. This book seems to be useful for research since it provides information about defense from espionage and the means for tracking hackers. The book is aimed at average users. This is why the methods described by the author seem to be easy to understand and definitely usable for research purposes. All above-mentioned facts lead to the conclusion that cyber espionage indeed is an escalating threat. The Internet, mobile connections, and other innovations of modern time have caused a number of potential risks that should be taken into consideration by any user. The risk of spying is always present, no matter what activity users are involved in, which is why constant awareness of the threat is highly important. Methodology and Research Strategy As long as the research has been chosen to be conducted in terms of qualitative data analysis, it is necessary to admit that the applied methodology has a form of correlative analysis. In other words, the independent and the dependent variables are described. As it has been already mentioned, the independent variables are presented by the types of cyber espionage, while the dependent ones are frequency and origins of the cyber spying evidence. The study draws links between these variables in order to identify what type of cyber espionage is the most frequent regarding its sources and purposes. The methodology can be justified by the fact that quantitative data does not give an account on the essence of cyber espionage because Internet spying consists of various forms, and each of them is caused by a particular complex of reasons. It is also worth mentioning that the research is closely tied to a methodological framework in terms of the international law. Espionage in cyberspace is no t regulated by any physical as well as virtual organs. Therefore, only federal, state, and the international laws perform regulative control, which is not effective since cyber espionage cannot be referred to particular physical territory. To return to the subject of the correlative analysis, it is sourced with a sufficient volume of the related empirical literature that provides evidences of cyber espionage. It is becoming increasingly apparent that qualitative methodology is not capable of depicting the entire situation within the terms of the subject. Instead, it attempts to reveal the essence of cyber espionage and typical reasons for its proactive development in case such evidence can be justified. First, this type of methodology is able to address the issue of cyber espionage being a genuine threat. Provided that this statement is proved, the issue of escalating threat regarding cyber espionage will be underpinned accordingly. All analyzed cases have been referred to empirical literature that has served the function of orientation and framework. To be more specific, a major contribution has been made by the books Research Handbook on International Law and Cyber space by Nicholas Tsagouris and Russel Buchan as well as he Cuckoo’s Egg: Tracking a Spy through the Maze of Computer Technology by Cliff Stoll. These books describe legal perspective of cyber espionage and include description of original types of spying in cyberspace, definition, and explanation of certain cases of cyber and traditional espionage and their being subject to particular international and federal laws. The books have managed to create a meaningful theoretical ground for the research. As a result, the research has been conducted in terms of distinct methodological framework so that limitations to the findings are expected to be regarded as a drawback based on the objective reasons. The rest of the literature, however, has made its significant contribution as well, but all central issues of the research have been referred to these books. Still, the research has its limitations so that they are worth a description in more detail. In fact, it is appropriate to make a comment on the peculiarities of the limitations. Surprisingly, limitations are a quite positive sign in terms of the study. As long as the framework of the research is legal-based, the rest of the similar cases are a subject to the same international and federal laws. Hence, the study does not address the entire situation regarding the problem of cyber espionage, but it creates a reliable source for orientation in the further investigation of this problem. The study focuses on the indication of the most threatening form of cyber espionage so that its findings can be potentially important for the future improvement of prevention and studying espionage in cyberspace. This is the main point about the methodology and the strategy of the research so that findings and qualitative data analysis should be issued. Findings and Analysis As the result of the research, the study has indicated the following types of cyber espionage as the independent variables. First, it is copying materials and content for private and public use. In other words, it is a so-called piracy or violation of copyrights. This type of cyberespionage presupposes stealing of some content and spreading it online without a permission of the owner. In fact, it is the most widespread form of cyber espionage. The law is not able to regulate that as long as the Internet is generally regarded as a method of placement and distribution of content. Namely, pirates do not spread copyrighted content under the other name, brand, or trademark. That is why the law of intellectual property is not violated technically. Certain regulative controls obviously exist but they are not sufficiently effective for addressing such a common problem. Still, the type of cyber espionage is not genuine or proactively escalating. In fact, there is no possible way to decrease piracy, as it will reflect on the promotion of the original content. What is more, the original owners do not have any legal grounds for accusing pirates of copyright violation since the brand or trademark coincides with the custom titles of content. Piracy has being existing long before the era of Internet so that it cannot be regarded as a genuine form of cyber espionage. It is also not capable of making a considerable harm to the national safety, infrastructure, or top-secret data. Therefore, a high correlation of the type of frequency and homogeneous origins do not testify about this type of cyber spying as an escalating threat to the world society. That is why this pair of variables has been excluded from the list of potential threats. The other form of cybercrimes is cyberbullying. It is usually based on the violation of human rights. In other words, it presupposes promotion, description, and appreciation of such actions as abuse, harassment, and mocking of minorities, social groups, genders, and ages. It may be a simple insult made online in social networks, chats, and forums. Usually, such actions are a subject to John Perry Barlow’s Declaration of the Independence in Cyberspace and United Nation’s Charter of Non-intervention and Sovereignty. The United States has its own federal and state laws that actually protect the same human rights, but the related responsibility is referred to state or federal court of law. Thus, violation of human rights via Internet is an equal subject to the legal responsibility as well as the same actions in the physical world. However, cyberbullying is merely a form of abusive behavior rather than a new form of cybercrime. In other words, the same actions are taken in the real world on a day-to-day basis so that it cannot be regarded as a genuine and escalating threat. Violation of human rights is a proactively developing danger for the entire global society, but its cyber form does not have to be regarded as drastically influential factor. Even though these actions are quite frequent online, they do not obtain the major part of the cyberspace so that it cannot imply any negative consequences for the society. Thus, this form of cybercrime has been also excluded from a particular focus of the research. Again, one should pay attention to the fact that independent variable is correlated with a high frequency and similar origins of this type of cyber espionage. That is why it is necessary to move onto the discussion of the next independent variable. In spite of contemporary means of cyber protection, the threat of cyberterrorism emerges on a regular basis as malicious software is designed with a proactive frequency. Authorities as well as scholars are aware of such threat so that they publically express their anxiety concerning the negative consequences of cyberterrorist hacking attacks on governmental as well as private computer networks. Thus, a current state of this type of cyber espionage is quite unclear regarding the validity of cyberterrorism threat exposed to the U.S. and world infrastructure. The concerns regarding the outcomes of cyberterrorism were introduced to society by the extent of real-life terrorism, especially taking into consideration the tragedy of 9/11. Still, a considerably little number of cases of aggressively strong cyber assaults has been reported in recent years. Therefore, there is a distinct doubt whether cyberterrorism is a genuine threat to the national and global infrastructure or it is a result of active media and social gossips. Similarly, cyberterrorism is just another form of terrorism that will be used in combination of violent shelling, ambushes, and capturing of civilians. On the contrary, cyberterrorism is a subject to a separate international and U.S. federal laws though. Consequently, an international community has managed to find ways of protection from cyberterrorism even though hackers are usually one step ahead regarding the development of malicious software and means of network intrusion. Eventually, it should be admitted that cyberterrorism is not a genuine as well as not escalating threat as an appropriate response and incident management are in the constant development. Hacking assaults will keep occurring, but every single time they are likely to face a meaningful response because cyberterrorism became a comprising part of terroristic activities. Conversely, cyber espionage in its primary meaning is an obvious threat that keeps escalating. There are numerous reasons to consider the original cyber espionage to be a real threat, but it is necessary to be explicit about what is exactly meant by this term. It is an intentional intrusion in the governmental or any other top-secret database or network in order to retrieve certain information for terroristic, fraud, or any other activities by foreign as well as native representatives of a particular state. Cyber espionage has become a central issue in 2013 after a scandal with Edward Snowden and malicious attacks on Iran Oil Company. The United States were blamed by Russian Kaspersky Lab for contributing to the development of the malware, but the argument has raged unabated. In any case, the number of cyber espionage acts has started increasing in recent years, which is obviously a negative tendency. It is also essential to refer to external factors such as geopolitics and macroeconomics. These spheres are in a state of constant fluctuations nowadays so that they make their i mpact as well. This is the most recent evidence of cybercrimes but is not actually genuine though. Spying has existed long time before the Internet era, but such form of espionage is increasingly escalating. It can be explained by the fact that geopolitical relationships between the United States and Russia have worsened considerably. In addition, a proactive development of ISIL is also a reason to regard cyber espionage as the most escalating form of cybercrimes. It is becoming increasingly apparent that maximum of correlation between the independent and dependent variables does not witness about the relevant phenomena. Cyber espionage is a recently emerged threat and its origins are relatively vague. Still, it exposes a real threat to the global stability, and particular reasons for such findings are worth discussion as well. As the analysis of the findings can attest, the most frequent forms of cyber espionage do not necessarily mean that they are escalating ones. One may argue that the research has chosen an inappropriate methodology and framework, but nobody would deny the fact that the outcomes of the research are more important that certain technical issues. In any case, the correlation between the independent and dependent variables is an indicator of the least threatening form of cyber spying. It can be obviously traced throughout the entire description of findings. The violation of copyrights has demonstrated the highest correlation of variables while a factual extent of the problem is far from being critical. At the same time, a medium frequency and variety of origins is a justified reason to consider original cyber espionage to be the most threatening form. It can be explained by the fact that a variety of origins is caused by an according variety of purposes. Therefore, a number of potential pu rposes for use of cyber espionage lead to a conclusion that this is more dangerous phenomenon than it may be expected as long as there are more possibilities for its use. Regarding that, a possibility of cyber espionage escalation is expected on the international level. It can be thwarted but not predicted as the external factors play a significant role in its further development. In contrast, escalation of cyber spying is a temporal phenomenon because it will lose its strong impacts as soon as the geopolitical situation stabilizes globally. Cases of cyber espionage are a subject to federal and state laws only so that it is hard to regulate in terms of the international law since it is not tied to a particular country or area. That is why cyber spies have enough freedom to perform their activities. A distinct strength of this finding is based on the fact that the study focuses on the identification of a specific problem. As a result, that helps to orient the future investigation towards a particular problem instead of attempting to address all of them in a complex. What is more, the paper has revealed external factors of the identified problem. The problem of cyber espionage is related to a physical world so that a solution has to be found in the same dimension. Namely, stabilization of geopolitical situation on the world arena can be possible based on diplomacy and negotiations. That will lead to decrease of cyber espionage efficiency, as it will be not needed any longer. In fact, it is the same situation as with cyberterrorism. Both phenomena will keep occurring without any respect to the success of governmental security organs in the field of anti-malware designs. Considering all these points, it should be admitted that these findings could be utilized for a more detailed re search regarding cyber espionage as an escalating threat caused by the intensification of geopolitical and macroeconomic environments. However, it is worth saying that these findings are still limited to a certain extent. The outlined findings are capable of creating a major basis for the further research, but a wide range of questions has to be answered. The findings have revealed that the current state of the knowledge is extremely insufficient and imperfect as influence of external environment is not commonly considered in terms of similar researches. That is why the findings are limited to the contribution into the following investigations as long as this study cannot be regarded as fully complete and independent. It is appropriate to mention that the study has not considered external factors of the other types of cybercrimes so that they possibly might have some implications as well. There is little probability of such a scenario, but the study is particularly focused on the original cyber espionage so that it is reflected in the statement of the study’s hypothesis. Overall, the limitations of the study are the evidence of the findings’ relevance rather than a major drawback. Despit e all limitations, the paper has managed to indicate the most threatening type of cyber spying so that it is necessary to draw related conclusions. In conclusion, it is essential to make a general comment on the study that has focused on the identification of cyber espionage as a genuine and escalating threat to the global society. The paper has introduced the research problem and the hypothesis. The hypothesis is based on the assumption that cyber espionage as an escalating threat to the entire world society. The study has decided to utilize qualitative approach, which is why the independent variables is types of cyber espionage while the dependent ones is frequency and origins of cyber spying. Then, the research has conducted a literature review and identified the main types of cyber espionage. The paper has also given an account to the methodology and research strategy that are based on correlation of the independent and dependent variables. As a result, the study has presented and analyzed the findings of the research. The findings have proved the validity of the hypothesis and revealed certain implications regarding researc h problem. The original cyber espionage has been indicated as the most proactively developing form of cyber spying because a high frequency of such cases has been recently reported, and numerous external factors are definitely involved in the emerging of this problem. The study has been framed from the perspective of the international law so that every single type of cyber espionage has been referred to a certain law. Still, the methodology of the paper has occurred to have certain limitations. On the one hand, it does not presuppose that the findings are able to address the entire context of cyber espionage worldwide. Moreover, the methodological framework on the basis on the international law simplified the limitations, as similar cases of cyber spying can become a subject to the same laws. On the other hand, the paper has left a wide variety of issues that are expected to be addressed in the future investigations. The study has proved the hypothesis, but has not issued fundamental knowledge about cyber espionage’s essence. It does not have to be considered as a drawback of the research as it has highlighted the importance of the external environment in regards to the origins of cyber espionage. Hence, it is quite reasonable to suggest the following direction for the further research. As long as the original cyber espionage has relatively vague sources, the future research has to clarify its origins and trace the relations between cyber spying and events in geopolitics, macroeconomics, show business, and so on.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work Essay Example

Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work Essay Example Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work Paper Reasons Why Welfare Doesnt Always Work Paper Amanda Smith Today in America, there are thousands of Americans are welfare for different reasons. Whether people lost their job and can’t afford their necessities, or possibly they don’t have motivation to get a job and want to live off the government’s money. It could be that there is a single mother of two children who simply can’t afford the necessities for her children and herself even with a job, or maybe their handicapped or they are older and aren’t healthy enough to work and provide for themselves. Welfare is a program created by the government to improve the financial situation of people in need. Many people today in America who are on welfare are abusing the program, whether they don’t find a job and continue to stay on welfare for years, or spend money on drugs or something not needed instead of paying bills and buying necessary items. Other programs like Medicare and food stamps, to the elderly or the people that really need this help, are getting denied because they don’t qualify but yet they are barely providing for themselves or they can’t provide. Some of these programs that the government has created are not working the way they were meant to. Welfare is supposed to be good and helpful but it’s being seen as wasteful, not worth it by others, and simply has other issues that the government is in need of solving. It is supposed to be helping people such as single mothers get back on their feet, however many are abusing this help and having more children to continue receiving welfare money for a long period of time. People are not supposed to be on welfare for a long period of time, this program was meant to help people out temporarily so they could get back to work and provide for themselves, soon though, not years later (wikipedia). However, it is making some people lazier by getting money just to sit at home and do nothing. Some people are not motivated to get a job, or simply do not want a job and would prefer to live on welfare for years and not even use that money for the right things like clothing, bills, etc. Welfare reforms have reduced the probability of women going to college, even finishing high school, which isn’t going to help them get a decent paying job (NBER). Many people on welfare are using that money for alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc. There is no law stating that people have to pass a drug test o receive welfare, but there should be some kind of procedure or questioning being done to people who are applying for welfare or for those who are already on welfare, to know whether they really deserve it if they are going to spend their money on the right or wrong thing (npr). As a working taxpayer, I contribute to the welfare system and I don’t really want to support an addiction to dru gs. Government assistance is good for those people who don’t abuse it and are willing to take the random drug tests no matter how degrading or unnecessary it may be. If people truly need the help, then they should be willing to do what it takes to receive that assistance. Many jobs require a drug test and if they don’t pass, they don’t get the job. It’s that simple. This should apply to welfare, if you don’t pass, you don’t get the benefits. Some people think that if you deny people these privileges that these people are going to steal and sell drugs to put food on the table (npr). Who’s to say that they won’t stop stealing or selling drugs? It’s not guaranteed. To the people who aren’t abusing the system, it may be a little bit of a hassle to go through the drug test but it’s worth it. It’s better off helping the people who actually want help and are using this assistance the way it should be. Medicare is a health insurance program administered by the United States government for people over the age of 65 (wikipedia). This is another program that needs some things changed. One problem this program faces, is the diversity in the elderly. While this coverage starts at the age of 65, people 80 and over are benefiting from it more. The medical needs of a 65 year old man could differ dramatically from an 80 year old man. Also, American seniors differ not only by age but also race, ethnicity, culture, and geographic region with different healthcare systems ( Freedom works). This program is trying to shove the needs of all the elderly, no matter how different their situations are, into one system that is going to help them all, and it’s not. A second problem with this program is the financial situation. As the baby boom generation begins to reach eligible age for Medicare, the cost will begin to rise dramatically. Congress will attempt to impose cost-controls on a system already beginning to deliver inadequate care to the different people of the elderly population (Freedom works). Food stamps is a government program made to assist low income families receive food. Many families may have someone working but making very little or not enough to provide food on the table. However, many of these working families do not get the food stamps they really need. Between 1994 and 1999, the number of people receiving food stamps declined by 35% and poverty went down 15% (Food stamps for working families). This decline in food stamp enrollment was because of families becoming ineligible because of income going up or welfare reform rules excluding certain groups from receiving food stamps. Many families have left welfare for work and have lost their food stamps because of this. They were looking to keep the food stamps for the transition of their family. It’s not fair that these people who are actually working and trying to make some money for their family are not receiving the food stamps when they really need them. There is also people who sell their food stamps for their necessities, and some who sell them for illegal substances. (Selling food stamps for kid‘s shoes). It has a little similarity to welfare. Many people who receive the stamps are supposed to be buying healthy groceries for themselves, and their family, but many don’t. They resort to cheap and fatty food, like McDonald’s then they can still have money left over for other things, for necessities, or not. It’s not surprising that some lower-income families have weight problems because of what they’re doing with their food stamps. The programs that the government have created are meant to help people, and to some they are. There are many Americans though who are abusing the system and it can be difficult to catch these people. They all have flaws in them that are pretty controversial and difficult to amend, and some people don‘t think these aren‘t such a huge problem as other things are in today‘s society. How each of these problems are solved in each program will be a difficult task, if the government decides to do it. I think these programs need to be fixed immediately, before the costs for these programs becomes too much and things get out of hand. Bibliography â€Å"Welfare Reform Has Led to More Work but Less Education† National Bureau of Economic Research. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Reform as I Knew It: When Bad Things Happen to Good Policies† 1 May 1996. The American Prospect. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Medicares Two Fundamental Problems† 17 July 2003. Freedom Works. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Welfare† Wikipedia. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Medicare† Wikipedia. 6 May 2010. â€Å"Selling Food Stamp’s For Kid’s Shoes† 16 February 2010. Urban Habitat. 6 May 2010.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How Social Media Helped Me Land an Agent

How Social Media Helped Me Land an Agent Like most writers these days, I have a love/hate relationship with social media. Yes, it can be one giant time vacuum. Were talking the granddaddy of vacuums- were talking Dyson. But writers need a life. Right? So the hours spent on Facebook are in the best interest of my career, right? They can be. With all the moaning about the downside of social media (mainly the time aspect), we writers tend to overlook the sheer beauty of what the various platforms provide: accessibility. Never before have we had the opportunity to be â€Å"friends† with so many publishers, agents, and other writers. Conferences are expensive and not everyone can afford to attend the more popular ones, the ones where big-name editors and agents are most likely to show up. Years ago, the only way to meet agents and editors was to attend conferences and hope you make the cut for a pitch session. Or hopefully grab a seat in their standing-room-only panel discussion. Or you could follow them into the bar, or restroom, or hotel elevator. In which case, if youre like most writers, youre a bit introverted so that elevator ride is probably going to be rather quiet. And the restroom thing- not cool. At all. Thats where social media comes in. Its much more pleasant, for all parties involved, to find an agent and follow them on Twitter than to follow them into a bathroom! If you prefer Facebook, send them a friend request. Follow their RSS feed. Comment on their posts. And comment again. And again. You know youre getting somewhere when the agent starts to comment on your comments. Im â€Å"friends† with and follow several agents. Ive had these cyber relationships for a year or more with various agents, and like any good relationship, it takes time to build. Ive been in the business long enough to say Ive sent my share of query letters to agents, without much success. But social media opened up not only a whole new door, but a golden door for me. Through Facebook, I was able to establish a friendly relationship with different agents before seeking a business relationship with just one. And even then, when I did approach the agent through a private message, it wasnt intended to be a query. I simply had a question, between friends, about the industry. That cyber conversation turned into a phone chat, which turned into longer talk which turned into an offer of representation. Social media not only helped me find my agent, it allowed me the opportunity to get to know her as a person before ever signing a contract. To me, thats just as important as how many deals theyve made. If I dont respect and like you as a person, how am I ever going to feel comfortable trusting you with my career? So go ahead and follow a couple of agents. You might be surprised where it can lead.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Responses Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Responses - Essay Example As far as the language is concerned, I felt it was not the language that hindered the communication between Yolanda and her partners rather it was the difference in cultural values and personality types that hindered their understanding of each other, the way I see it. Rudy had made himself quite clear and so had Yolanda that she needed some time and space in order to be more intimate with him. Yolanda’s fear of losing Rudy kept her from being very open with him in this matter as to the fact that she felt that there needed to be more to love than just sexual needs. Similarly with John, she was not able to tell him straight that she wanted more to their marriage than just physical attraction and that she wanted someone with whom she could talk to for hours. I also agree with the fact that the chapters we read do portray Yolanda’s quest for identity, just as â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God† describes the identity quest for Janie. Response to Kerriann Salatti: I like your mention of Joe and her confusion with the word love. This reminds me of her allergy which she tries so hard to overcome. This fact that she is determined to get over her allergy shows the strength of her character.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Describe the various ways of learning about ancient diets and how it Essay

Describe the various ways of learning about ancient diets and how it relates to people's lifestyles - Essay Example Studies of skeletal remains and mummies may be used to show what kind of food the ancients ate. One such study is the research conducted on ‘nutcracker man’, the skull of a Paranthopus Boisei, a relative of humans, who was noted to have a strong jaw and large, flat teeth. For years, it was believed because of the structure and size of its jaw and huge molars that the Paranthopus Boisei at nuts, seeds and other hard items. Further study had revealed, however that the famed ‘nutcracker’ did not crack nuts after all. It appears that despite its large jaw, the Paranthopus Boisei more likely munched on grass, and that the structure of their jaw was more inclined to chewing tough grasses (Choi, â€Å"Nutcracker Man Ate Like a Cow (Or Pig) â€Å". 2011). In the same way, science and modern technology continue to bridge the gap between the past and the present. We know through much research the kinds of food our ancestors ate through the research and study of foss ils, particularly noting the jaw structures, teeth, and stomach contents (if possible) of fossilized and mummified individuals. Geography One of the major indicators of Ancient cuisine can be seen of course, by observing and studying ancient ruins. Expeditions have uncovered skeletal remains, fossils and mummies which have been further studied and analyzed to determine the diet of these individuals before they died. The expedition sites in themselves reveal telling clues about a people’s culture and society, including what they could have possibly eaten, and how they prepared their food. The geography of an area, their climate and type of land, all suggest the kind of food that is grown in an area, and determines if a people are hunters, food gatherers, or fishers. Egypt for example, with their close proximity of the Nile River, proposes that they had access to water supply and fish. Because of their rich soil and lush vegetation, it would make sense that Egypt prospered most of the year, even during times of drought (Philips, â€Å"The Diet of Ancient Egyptians†). A study of ancient Egyptian homes revealed bread ovens, used to cook bread, and cellars, used to keep wine and other food products. Paintings Artworks such as paintings, pottery, and sculptures can be used as evidence as to determining what ancient people ate. Paintings on ancient walls show the fruits, vegetables, and meats that were present and being eaten during the time it was painted. Processes and methods of cooking can also be seen in these artworks. There are paintings of servants making bread, stirring batter, and collecting fruits and vegetables. Other illustrations include men carrying what appear to be pots of milk and cream, or of slaves milking cows and harvesting crops (Philips, â€Å"The Diet of Ancient Egyptians†). Even the early cave men would paint animals, fruits and vegetables on their cave walls. These are telling signs of their diet, as they would only pai nt the things that they could see in their environment. Sometimes, these paintings are of feasts, and involve the killing of certain significant animals, and in some cases, the entire process of how they would prepare their meats. Artifacts Ancient Egyptians also brought food to their graves. They were known to be buried with their earthly possessions as they wished to take their riches and belongings with them to the afterlife. Sometimes, food was even found to be buried in mummy tombs (â€Å"

The Story of Wall-Mart Success Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Story of Wall-Mart Success - Research Paper Example The company in order to position itself as the lowest cost retailer had to adopt many strategies that even include effectively managing their operating costs so that they do not have to compromise on the profit margins. The company is not only the largest retailer across the globe but is also the biggest employer and has a large base of employees.  The company in order to position itself as the lowest cost retailer had to adopt many strategies that even include effectively managing their operating costs so that they do not have to compromise on the profit margins. The company is not only the largest retailer across the globe but is also the biggest employer and has a large base of employees.  Reasons behind Wal-Mart behind the best in the retail industry   Wal-Mart has been able to prove itself as one of the largest retailers across the globe. The company has been able to maintain an image of a retailer that offers the best of cheapest products in comparison to all the other pl ayers in the retail industry. The company has set its mark as the only retail chain that has not only been successful in the home country but has also been able to set high standards in the international markets. The company achieves the rank of being best retailer not only through its low-cost products but also through the customer service that it offers to its customers. The company maintains a team of well-trained professionals and they are divided into various departments so that there is a smooth flow of operations. The company has also achieved the image of being the most attractive employer in the retail industry. To be best in a particular industry can be analyzed through the revenue margins and the profit levels that are achieved by a company in comparison to other players in the market. Wal-Mart is known to be the best in the retail sector as its revenue margins have always grown down the line. The company is the topmost retailer across the globe in terms of revenue (Fishm an 113).The other factor that states that the company is the best in the retail sector is that it has been able to maintain a steady growth down the years and unlike other competitors has not seen any kind of turmoil in its business operations. Also, the company operates across various regions and offers a wide range of products, and the company even imports different kinds of consumer goods and electronics in the United States. The wide range of activities that the company performs also has been well supported by its association with all the local communities which has proved that the company is socially responsible. The company performs all kinds of activities may that be getting associated with all form of environmental concern issue or may that be extending their support and help to the weaker sections of the company.  

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Education Sector & Collective Bargaining Research Paper

Education Sector & Collective Bargaining - Research Paper Example Furthermore, as move towards the statistics provided for the grade 8 and grade 12 students, a visible trend appears. All others states, which prohibit collective bargaining, remain at the bottom but Virginia also keep falling down in the ranking (English, 2011). According to the researches regarding the salaries of teachers, especially in the public schools, most teachers are paid with single salary schedule. Regardless of which grade and subject they teach the criteria for determining their salary remains the same, which depends heavily on their degrees, qualification, and their years of service. There are almost no schools or teachers with bargain on other factors such as difficulty of the job, working with at risk children, working conditions, previous performance, or time required by the children, researches required, and others (English, 2011). The concept of merit based pay is still far way in education sector, however, in other sectors, merit based pay is an existing and growi ng phenomenon (Hannaway & Rotherham, 2006). Nevertheless, as one move up the hierarchy of education undergraduate, masters level education and so on, the power to bargaining the salary with experience and educational qualification increases. There are fewer teachers for higher education, thus they are able to exercise significant power over the bargaining power duties (Moo, 1999; Imber & Geel, 2010). Collective bargaining in various industries and professions involving measures such as strikes and walkouts; however, they cannot be applied in the same way in the educational sector. This is true because professions of doctors, teachers, and law enforcement... As the report stresses it is interesting to note the impact of collective bargaining power on educational levels and performance of students. According to the recent statistics provided by â€Å"National Assessment of Educational Progress of the 52 American Jurisdictions†, Virginia is only American, which prohibits collective bargaining in education sector and still ranks at the seventh position when it comes to assessment of grade 4th students in reading. Furthermore, out of the top 30 states in this list, Virginia is the only one to prohibit collective bargaining. This paper declares that most teachers are paid with single salary schedule. Regardless of which grade and subject they teach the criteria for determining their salary remains the same, which depends heavily on their degrees, qualification, and their years of service. There are almost no schools or teachers with bargain on other factors such as difficulty of the job, working with at risk children, working conditions, previous performance, or time required by the children, researches required, and others. The concept of merit based pay is still far way in education sector, however, in other sectors, merit based pay is an existing and growing phenomenon. Collective bargaining in various industries and professions involving measures such as strikes and walkouts; however, they cannot be applied in the same way in the educational sector. This is true because professions of doctors, teachers, and law enforcement agencies provided important and urgent services to the society.

Nucor Uses an Integrated Approach to Employee Motivation Essay

Nucor Uses an Integrated Approach to Employee Motivation - Essay Example Nucor’s HRD program is consistent with Maslow in providing a fixed, though comparatively lower level, of regular pay, just enough for the worker to meet his basic sustenance. But at Nucor higher pay must be justified by higher productivity, which in effect pertains to the workers’ esteem needs through pride in their workmanship. By linking good workmanship with performance bonuses, Nucor is able motivate its workers to be rewarded not only financially but with a feeling of pride in their work. Alderfer’s ERG Theory builds on Maslow’s Theory but groups the needs into a simpler hierarchy of Existence, Relatedness and Growth needs. But Alderfer differs from Maslow in that the ERG hierarchy need not be satisfied one level before the other, that is, a lower motivator does not need to be satisfied before higher motivators take over. In Nucor, this was evident in the situation in Hickman, where company electricians, without any order from supervisors, took the initiative to respond to an emergency including defraying traveling expenses from their own pockets and working 20-hour shifts to repair the damage. The case study states that this was done without any extra remuneration nor any kind of financial incentive. This is indicative of the ERG theory, since the workers fulfilled their relatedness and growth needs (i.e., pride in their company and commitment to their job) even above and beyond additional pay that would have meant to fulfilling existence needs. On the other hand, McClelland’s acquired-needs theory (also three advances the proposition that an individuals’ specific needs are acquired over time and are shaped by life experiences. The needs are classified as either achievement (nAch), affiliation (nAff) or power (nPow), and that a person’s motivation and effectiveness on the job are influences by these three needs. All three of these needs are present in Nucor’s system,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Education Sector & Collective Bargaining Research Paper

Education Sector & Collective Bargaining - Research Paper Example Furthermore, as move towards the statistics provided for the grade 8 and grade 12 students, a visible trend appears. All others states, which prohibit collective bargaining, remain at the bottom but Virginia also keep falling down in the ranking (English, 2011). According to the researches regarding the salaries of teachers, especially in the public schools, most teachers are paid with single salary schedule. Regardless of which grade and subject they teach the criteria for determining their salary remains the same, which depends heavily on their degrees, qualification, and their years of service. There are almost no schools or teachers with bargain on other factors such as difficulty of the job, working with at risk children, working conditions, previous performance, or time required by the children, researches required, and others (English, 2011). The concept of merit based pay is still far way in education sector, however, in other sectors, merit based pay is an existing and growi ng phenomenon (Hannaway & Rotherham, 2006). Nevertheless, as one move up the hierarchy of education undergraduate, masters level education and so on, the power to bargaining the salary with experience and educational qualification increases. There are fewer teachers for higher education, thus they are able to exercise significant power over the bargaining power duties (Moo, 1999; Imber & Geel, 2010). Collective bargaining in various industries and professions involving measures such as strikes and walkouts; however, they cannot be applied in the same way in the educational sector. This is true because professions of doctors, teachers, and law enforcement... As the report stresses it is interesting to note the impact of collective bargaining power on educational levels and performance of students. According to the recent statistics provided by â€Å"National Assessment of Educational Progress of the 52 American Jurisdictions†, Virginia is only American, which prohibits collective bargaining in education sector and still ranks at the seventh position when it comes to assessment of grade 4th students in reading. Furthermore, out of the top 30 states in this list, Virginia is the only one to prohibit collective bargaining. This paper declares that most teachers are paid with single salary schedule. Regardless of which grade and subject they teach the criteria for determining their salary remains the same, which depends heavily on their degrees, qualification, and their years of service. There are almost no schools or teachers with bargain on other factors such as difficulty of the job, working with at risk children, working conditions, previous performance, or time required by the children, researches required, and others. The concept of merit based pay is still far way in education sector, however, in other sectors, merit based pay is an existing and growing phenomenon. Collective bargaining in various industries and professions involving measures such as strikes and walkouts; however, they cannot be applied in the same way in the educational sector. This is true because professions of doctors, teachers, and law enforcement agencies provided important and urgent services to the society.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Engine performance and Efficiensy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Engine performance and Efficiensy - Coursework Example Theoretically, it is the difference between the gross and net thrust (Momentum drag = Gross thrust – Net thrust). It is computed as: Net thrust is a positive aerodynamic force that causes propulsion of an aircraft in air. It is represented as a summation nozzle thrust and momentum of the jet’s motion. It is a resultant propulsion force produced by the jet engine used in providing thrust (speed) to the aircraft. It is the difference between the gross thrust and the momentum drag on the engine of an aircraft (Net thrust = Gross thrust – Maximum drag). It is usually denoted by T and is calculated as follows: The engine thrust is affected by the flow of air into the engine and is thus a change in the rate of airflow results to a change in the resultant thrust. With net thrust, the increase in the aircrafts speed results to an increase for air fed into the engine, resulting to a higher output. With static thrust, the environmental factors tend to determine the ability of the craft to cause motion. With static thrust, the air speed is kept constant and is not affected by the crafts motion thus differing from the net thrust. b) Calculate the net thrust of a turbo jet flying at 150 M/S with an air mass flow of 50 Kg/S and a jet stream velocity of 300 M/S with a chocked nozzle. The residual gas pressure in the jet stream is 45 KPa gauge, the nozzle area is 0.2M2. Net thrust = gross thrust – momentum drag (T = mVj + Aj (Pj - Pam) – mVi) where Pam is the ambient air pressure in question. Form this equation an increase in the ambient air pressure, while holding all other factors constant results to a decrease in the net thrust of the engine, which being the denominator of the SFC formula results to an increase in the resultant value of the specific fuel consumption. As indicated by the new SFC equation Propulsive efficiency = (2Vi) / (Vi + Vj), where Vi is the speed of the exhaust gases and Vj is the incoming air speed. Increasing the speed of the gas

Banana Sushi Outline Essay Example for Free

Banana Sushi Outline Essay How many of you have ever tried or eaten a peanut butter and banana sandwich? For those who have banana sushi is exactly that but much more fun and exciting to do at home. Transition: let’s start by getting ingredients BODY: I. The first step is to get all of the ingredients. A. There are certain ingredients needed to make banana sushi; the first step is to gather them. 1. You will need the peanut butter of your choice (smooth works better) 2. You will need two pieces of bread 3. And you will need a fresh banana Transition: now that we have the ingredients we can get the materials B. There are also certain materials necessary to make banana sushi; the second step is to gather those. 1. You will need a butter knife 2. You will need a rolling pin 3. And you will need some type of cutting board. Transition: Now that we have both the ingredients and the materials to make banana sushi we can start making it! C. Now you can start making it. 1. The first step is to cut all the crust off of the bread and dispose of it, then to lay the edges of the bread on top of each other and flatten it together with the rolling pin. 2. The second step is to then take the butter knife and spread the peanut butter over the bread. . The third step is to take your banana, peel it and cut it into coin size pieces and lay them neatly on the bread covered with peanut butter. 4. The final step is to roll the bread and then cut it into sections   The three steps in making banana sushi: A. The first step is gathering the ingredients B. The second step is gathering the materials C. The third step is making it. II. Now that I’ve shown you guys a fun new way to eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich otherwise known as banana sushi, I hope you will try it at least once in your life because it’s always nice to try something new.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Iconic Images of the 1980s

Iconic Images of the 1980s Images of 1980s Speaking of 1980s often people think about Reagan, â€Å"Greed is good†, and funny hair styles. Of course the 80s were more than that, but if you asked me what I am thinking about the 1980s it would be a longest â€Å"Mhm† followed by â€Å"I was not even born yet.† However, images can be a tool for us to study the detail of history. The greatest thing about learning history for a visual person is to look into photos. Each and every photograph has a story to tell. Ever since the technology of modern camera was introduce in the 18 century, people have been using this technique to capture memorable moments.   Ã‚   Photography in the 1980s was personal and political, or a mixture of both. Nevertheless, thanks to the photographers who are there to capture events, the future generation can study them. What happened at the scene of Reagan’s attempted Assassination? How big was the crowed when the Berlin wall fell down at 1989? What did Chernobyl look like after the explosion? I believe those events had already been symbolized. Some say â€Å"history always repeats itself.† That is somehow true if we look deeper into every decades. The world still has the same problems that happened before. What is so special about the 1980s is that is a historical turning point. Through several iconic photos of the 1980s the decade can be seen as one plagued with wars, tragic events and political unrest, but it was also a decade where freedom and human rights were advanced. Afghan Girl, 1985 (See Figure 1) The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan during 1977-1980 might been seen as a milestone of U.S. history due to the help we have been giving, but due to poor Sharbat Gula and her family it is not an event to be celebrated. In 1985, National Geographic photographer Steve McCurry shot a portrait of a 12 year-old Afghan girl named Sharbat Gula made it to the cover of National Geographic Magazine. However, what people could not see in the photo â€Å"Afghan Girl† was the reason that caused Sharbat Gula’s sorrow eyes. From 1979 to 1989, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan armed with Arab resistance launched a war of aggression and counter-aggression. The evening of December 27, the Soviet Union deployed eight divisions, Special Forces, and airborne troops in a brutal military invasion of Afghanistan. In only three and a half hours, they gained â€Å"complete military and political control of Kabul and large portions of the country† (Office of Historian) Until early 1980, 8.5 million troops invaded which gradually increased to 10 million people. There were almost 10 years long of ongoing civil wars, invasions and conflicts in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, little Sharbat Gula was born into this event. After the Soviet invasion of blatant military, the Afghan people in the nation in danger of life and death, the original anti-government revolutionary activity soon developed into a larger anti-Soviet war against the Soviet Union. According to the article â€Å"A Life Revealed: Along Afghanistans War-torn Frontier† by Debra Denker, Sharbat Gula’s village was bombed and invaded by Soviet Union around the early 80s. Unfortunately, Sharbat Gula’s parents were killed by bombing, about 100 people died from war, 600 million people were forced to flee their homes and become refugees. Later, photographer Steve McCurry visited Afghanistan, and was given a â€Å"war-torn frontier.† tour. In one of the refugee camps, he ca ptured the hunting face of Sharbat Gula among other similar age girls. Sharbat Gula’s portrait became the symbol of post war fear of the Muslim world (Denker). In 1988, under the auspices of the UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar, the Soviet Union, the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan met in in Kabul and their four foreign ministers signed in Geneva a political settlement for Afghanistan. The Soviet troops had to withdraw from Afghanistan within nine months, putting an end of a nine-year occupation (Dibb). Wars and conflicts are a never ending nightmare which is still haunting us today. The look on Sharbat Gula’s face fully expressed that. The Reagan Assassination Attempt, 1981 (See figure 2) Same time at the early 80s, the most serious incident which happened to President Ronald Wilson Reagan was when he got shot just outside the Washington Hilton Hotel by a young man named John Hinckley Jr. In the photo of the scene right after the shooting, reporters were making roars within the crowed, few officers holding a gun down on the sidewalk, and the president was thrown into the limo car. It was chaotic. The gunman was held immediately after the shooting. This event shocked the entire society for Reagan had only been elected to be a president for ten weeks. President Reagan was heading to the white house unaware that he had been shot. Shortly after he left the scene, he did not realize one of the ricochets punctured his lung until he started coughing up blood. He then was rushed to George Washington University Hospital. The New York Times reported President Reagan remained in good humor even he was fainted due to the blood loss. He told his doctors, â€Å"Please tell me youà ¢â‚¬â„¢re Republicans† (Raines). Fortunately, President Reagan survived after the operation, and recovered after weeks. The motive to assassinate the President surprisingly had nothing to do with political reasons, but with John Hinckley’s obsession with actress Jodie Foster. This obsession was based on the movie Taxi Driver.† He firmly believed that if he became famous by mimicking the plot from Taxi Driver, would be able to get Jodie Foster’s attention. What happened to gunman John Hinckley afterward was 13 charged against him. However, due to his mental problem, the court sent him to St. Elizabeths Hospital for life instead of prison. The unsuccessful attempted assassination brought dramatic changes to Reagans presidency. His survival boosted a wave of public sympathy and he gained popularity. He was also the first president who survived the assassination (Brands). Although politics was not the reason why John Hinckley opened fire, it is still one of the many major political events in the 1980s. Chernobyl Accident 1986 (See Figure 3) Besides wars and political unrest, there was a major unclear accident happened at Chernobyl, Ukraine. The photo that taken by authorities right after the accident shows the explosion had destroyed the entire building to a hollow hole on the ground. What happened was that event management and technical staff decided to test the turbine in case of a sudden loss of power, the strain of the reactor. This overnight test was neither carefully planned nor authorized by superiors. On the afternoon of April 25, 1986, the unit fourth in accordance with the plan was shut down, when the operation began an experiment related to the security system. The case of this experiment is to understand the plant loses all power, but the rotating turbine has enough energy capable of supplying electric power for 45 seconds, which is the time required to start the emergency diesel generator supply. The reactor power is reduced to half of the rated output, and the emergency reactor core cooling system is turne d off. After 11:10, the staffs did not re-open the emergency cooling system, which was the first major mistake, according to a series of serious negligence operations are: the output power was reduced to one percent of rated output, much lower than the power required for the experiment; the majority of the control rods withdrawn; and the other important safety system was turned off. These operational mistakes made the unit fourth become unstable. Output had been rising rapidly, technical workers lost control of the reactor, output power rose to up to 100 times the rated output, and thus part of the fuel rods ruptures, and the heat burst a lot of things to make the cooling water evaporation, resulting in a steam explosion destroying a weight of about 1,000 tonnes of reactor cover. From May 1 to 6, due to the reactor explosion, more than 26 percent of the radiation dose was released into the outside world, 31 firefighters and two people from the plant lost their lives, most of them have been severely burned from radiation, while 209 suffered severe radiation injuries (U.S.NRC). Strictly speaking, the Chernobyl accident cannot be called a human error. It was more like a willful violation. It seemed following the scheduled timetable was seen as more important than safety. Staff were prohibited from running the operation under low power, and stopped safety device testing. It was like in travel a little faster by car, removing the brakes in the car regardless of rules or safety, and just desperately rushing forward to the destination, leading to a monstrous disaster. 25 years later today, the area outside of Chernobyl nuclear plant still reminds uninhabitable. People’s belongings still stay in the same spots, but not a trace of life in sight. The fall of the Berlin Wall, 1989 (See figure 4) Finally, the voice of freedom is rising at the end of 1980s. After nearly three decades of separation, the Berlin Wall finally fell down on the evening of November 9, 1989. A photo taken by Associated Press captured the moment when demonstrators tore down a piece of the Berlin wall. Berlin Wall and the wall that speared North and South Korea right now is the same product after World War II. After World War II, Germany and Berlin by the Soviet Union, the United States, Britain and France divided Germany into four zones. In 1949, the Soviet Union occupied East Germany, the capital set in East Berlin. West Germany and the US and British law were established in the occupied territories. Initially people in Berlin were able to move around freely between the districts, but with the Cold War, tensions started building up. In order to prevent East Germans from fleeing to West Germany. The border began to close up. From 1949 to 1961, about 2.5 million East Germans who risked being shot by Eas t Germany fled to West Berlin. Berlin Wall started just barbed wires in August 13, 1961. It was later replaced by a large number of real fences more than 155 kilometers long, about 3 to 4 meters high (Behind The Wall). After the construction was completed, a total of more than 5000 people successfully fled to West Berlin, 3000 people were arrested, and over 400 people were killed and injured (Leslie). 25 years ago, the new East German government began to plan to relax travel restrictions for East German people, but due to a misunderstanding of the then East German Politburo on superior orders, mistakenly announced Berlin Wall is about to open, resulting in tens of thousands of people took to the streets, the demolition of the wall, the whole of Germany into a state of extreme excitement. One of the Time reporter Ken Olsen recalled the day when he was in Germany says â€Å"They were screaming, Tor auf! Tor auf! Open the gate!† (Rothman) Although it was not the structure of walls collapsed, it had been removed by people. People climbed the Berlin Wall, removed graffiti, and took pieces of building materials as souvenirs. 11 months later, the two Germanies finally reunited. Tank Man, 1989 (See figure 5) Just several months before the Fall of Berlin Wall, in Tiananmen Square Beijing, China, a Tank man stood in front of type 59 tanks and attempted to block their way. He was pulled away by another man lright after. This thrilling scene happened to be caught by Jeff Widener (The Associated Press) in June 5, 1989 who was inside the Plaza Hotel next to the Tiananmen Square. He hid the negatives in the toilet water tank to avoid police forces’ search or the truth will not have spread around the world (Iyer). What triggered this event can be traced back to the Deng Xiaoping era. He was in power after 1979 and the implement reform and opened up policy on topic such as to industrialized, agriculture, national defense, science and technology, four modernizations. After a decade of reform, social and economic problems, such as a widening wealth gap and serious inflation; workers were dissatisfied because their salaries did not keep up with the pace of inflation, causing large flow of the rural population to the cities to make a living, leading to more homeless beggars and other social issues; official corruption, and other deep complaints. By the end of 1986, students at the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei held anti-corruption protests. Then, Shanghai, Beijing and other cities have also lead to student protests, they asked the government to carry out democratic reforms. CPC (Communist Party of China) General Secretary Hu Yaobang was tough because of the absence of clearance, and he had been criticized and resigned from office in the following year the General Secretary (Lui). The spring of 1989, the international communist forces collapsed. Democratic movements began in Eastern Europe. Inspired by the movement, in late April 1989, students and Beijing residents’ protests gathered in Tiananmen Square. Since then, the whole country has undergone a similar student protest movement. On June 3 in the evening, the CPC decided to send troops to suppress, to disperse the crowd in and around Tiananmen Square, the army opened fire to the masses, and even tanks shot protesters. By 4 in the morning, the army controlled Square, people were forced to evacuate. The next day, after the first night of the crackdown, Tiananmen Square was cleared. All of the students who were in the movement for several months disappeared without a trace. Everything had been wiped out. The tanks in Tiananmen traveled quickly around, declaring military force. The photo of the â€Å"Tank Man† became a symbol of Tiananmen. It showed the courage of ordinary people fighting on beha lf of freedom. Unsung heroes raised up public concern of their human rights. Before then, people constantly live under fear of the iron fist. To summarize, thanks to the efforts of photographers, the future generation can see the 1980s was not only overwhelmed by national conflicts, politics, and unfortunate accidents, but was also a decade of new beginning. See how photos show the stories of the time. It is not about the photo itself such as how it was constructed, or what kind of the camera photographers used, but it is about the messages that those photos are trying to deliver. Sharbat Gula the Afghan girl’s frightened eyes revealed how it was when international communism was still powerful. Beloved President Reagan survived an attempted assassination, and became a god like figure in the 80s. Later, the Chernobyl Accident happened, and if there were not any photos documented, we would never know how intense it was when an unclear powerful plant melted function. At the end of the 80s, Berlin Wall fell down, and people in China stood up for freedom and human rights. Those two photos quickly became a symbol of free spirits. Visual images are so powerful that they could not only grab people’s attention, but also shout out message that words failed to present. I appreciate those brave photographers who were there at the first scene so we can look into what was going on in the past. Are we learn our lessons from history. 1980s might seem like a problematic period, but people survived to make it a better tomorrow.       Figure 1. McCurry, Steve. Afghan Girl. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia.com,  Dec. 1984. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. Figure 2. Reagan Assassination Attempt. Digital image. Wikipedia.  Wikipedia.com, 30 Mar. 1981. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. Figure 3. Soviet Authorities. Taken by  the Authorities in the immediate aftermath  of Chernobyl Disaster. Digital image. Wikipedia.  Wikipedia.com, Apr. 1986. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. Figure 4. AP. Fall of the Berlin Wall. Digital image.  The Telegraph. The Telegraph, Nov. 1989. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. Figure 5. Widener, Jeff. The Tank Man was trying to block the way of tanks  with his own body alone during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. Digital image. Wikipedia. Wikipedia.com, June 1989. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. Work Cited Behind The Wall. New Yorker 90.34 (2014): 31-1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 30 Nov.  2014. Braun, David. How They Found National Geographic’s â€Å"Afghan Girl. National Geographic.  07 Mar 2003. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. Brands, H. W. Reagan Reborn.American History48.3 (2013): 46-51.Academic Search  Complete. Web. 2 Dec. 2014. Chernobyl Accident 1986. Chernobyl. World Nuclear Association, 24 Nov. 2014. Web. 28  Nov. 2014. Denker, Debra. A Life Revealed: Along Afghanistans War-torn Frontier. National  Geographic. 167 (Jun 1985). 2002. Web. 30 Oct. 2014. Dibb, Paul. The Soviet Experience In Afghanistan: Lessons To Be Learned?. Australian  Journal Of International Affairs 64.5 (2010): 495-509. Academic Search Complete. Web. 1 Dec. 2014. Iyer, Pico. The Unknown Rebel. (Cover Story). Time 151.14 (1998): 192. Academic Search  Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. Leslie, John. The Fall Of The Berlin Wall Twenty Years Later. New Zealand International  Review 34.5 (2009): 21-24. Academic Search Complete. Web. 4 Dec. 2014. Lui, Andrew. Looking Back At Tiananmen Square. Peace Review 12.1 (2000): 139-145.  Academic Search Complete. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. Raines, Howell. Reagan Wounded In Chest By Gunman; Outlook Good After 2-Hour Surgery;  Aide And 2 Guards Shot; Suspect Held. The New York Time Mar. 1981, Late City ed.: 1. Print. Rothman, Lily. Witness To History: Reporters Recall The Berlin Wall’S Fall. Time.Com  (2014): N.PAG. Academic Search Complete. Web. 30 Nov. 2014. United States. Office of the Historian. The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the U.S.Response, 1978–1980. The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan and the U.S. Response, 1978–1980. Office of the Historian, 31 Oct. 2013. Web. 28 Nov. 2014. United States. U.S.NRC. Backgrounder on Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Accident.  U.S.NRC. United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 25 Apr. 2014. Web. 28 Nov. 2014.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Organizational Life Cycle Essay -- essays research papers

Running head: ORGANIZATIONAL LIFE CYCLE Organizational Life Cycle Organizational Life Cycle Organizations go through different life cycles similar to those of people. For example, people go through infancy, child-hood and early-teenage phases, which are characterized by rapid growth over a short period of time. Similarly, Organizations go through start-up, growth, maturity, decline, renewal and death. Employees in these phases often do whatever it takes to stay employed. (Ciavarella, 2001) In the start-up phase of an organizational life cycle, employees are eager to make a name for themselves and often act impulsively, making highly reactive decisions based on whatever is going on around them at the moment. Struggling to survive. This is just one of the many challenges a manager will face during this phase of change. To help staff understand the complexities of the early phase of organizational development. The manager must provide a clear understanding of the purpose of the organization to the employees. Emphasizing the importance of recognizing the direction the company is going and how its methods of working can be improved. Plus, explaining the identification of general objectives would lead to the clarification of responsibilities and purpose at each level of the organization. When a manager discusses these issues with his team, he is encouraging ownership by the employees. (Moore, 2004) The distinction between the start-up and growth stages in not easily defined. The distinction lies in the revenues, profits are stronger and are consistent with an increase in customers, as well as, new and exciting opportunities for the employees to pursue. Managers can look forward to many managerial challenges, perspective policy issues and re-evaluating the business plan for revisions. A manager’s focus should be in the running of the business, with a greater emphasis on accounting and human resource management systems. New staff will have to be hired, trained and prepared for the influx of business. Managers should be ready to teach the importance of decision-making skills and reinforcing organizational policy. Avoiding hasty, careless decisions, which can have devastating results on the manager's unit or the entire organization. Decisions made with forethought, using the many managerial tools available will lead to better and more profitable operatio... ...ity of purpose and direction for an organization. We create and maintain the internal environment in which people can become fully involved in achieving the organization's objectives. Managers are responsible for changing behaviors. Which is probably the most critical area in the organizational life cycle. Finally, managers empower and involve people to achieve the organization's objective. (Lester, Parnell, & Carraher, 2003) References Adizes, I. (2004, Mar/Apr). Embrace One Problem After Another. Industrial Management, 46(2), pp. 18; pp.7. Ciavarella, M. A. (2001). High Involvement Environments to the Organization Life Cycle: A Descriptive and Prescriptive Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings, , pp. C1; pp. 6. Lester, D. L., Parnell, J. A., & Carraher, S. (2003). Organizational Life Cycle: A Five Stage Empirical Scale. International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 11(4), pp. 339; pp. 16. Middlebrook, B., Caruth, D., & Frank, R. (1984, Summer 85). Overcoming Resistance to Change. Management Journal, 50(3), pp. 23. Moore, G. A. (2004, Jul/Aug). Darwin and the Demon: Innovating Within Established Enterprises. Harvard Business Review, 82(7/8), pp. 86; pp. 7.